Have you ever:
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? Five or six of them…
Q: Been arrested? No
Q: Do you like someone? You kids get offa my lawn!
Q: Held a snake? Yes
Q: Been suspended from school? No
Q: Sung karaoke? Yes
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Yes
Q: Laughed until you started crying? Yes
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? No
Q: Kissed in the rain? Yes
Q: Sung in the shower? Yes
Q: Sat on a roof top? Yes
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No
Q: Broken a bone? Hairline fracture, but yes
Q: Shaved your head? No
Q: Played a prank on someone? Nothing major
Q: Shot a gun? Yes
Q: Donated blood? Yes
Last person…
- You hung out with? You kids get offa my lawn!
- You texted? Lori
- You were in a car with? My kids
- Went to the movies with? My family
- Person you went to shop with? Teh Intertubes
- You talked to on the phone? Brags
- Who made you laugh? D.
- You hugged? Maha
Answer truthfully… [whatever - JHJ]
- Sun or moon? Sun
- Winter or Fall? Winter
- Left or Right? Left
- Sunny or rainy? Sunny
- Where do you live? If we’re friends on Facebook, you can see my profile.
- Club or pub? Pub
- Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on? Yes
- Do you want to get married? You kids get offa my lawn!
- Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
- What time is it? 1:07pm
- Are you afraid of commitment? No
- What is your greatest hope/wish? Eternal life
- Do you cook? Yes
- Current mood? Optimistic
In the last 48 hours, have you…
- Sung? Yes
- Listened to music? Yes
- Danced crazy? No
- Cried? No
- Liked someone you can’t have? You kids get offa my lawn!
21 firsts…
- Who was your first prom (or homecoming) date? Amanda
- Who was your first roommate? John B.
- What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time? Wine coolers
- What was your first job? Winn Dixie
- What was your first car? Plymouth Volare
- When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? When my grandpa died
- Who was your first grade teacher? No idea.
- Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? No idea
- Who was your first best friend? Jamie Williamson
- Who was your first best friend in high school? I can’t fathom why this question exists.
- Where was your first sleepover? No idea.
- Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? The person screwing it up.
- Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman? Scott’s
- What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning? Wii Fit
- What was the first concert you went to? Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam
- What was the last concert you went to? Dayton Philharmonic Opera
- First celebrity crush? Madonna
- Current celebrity crush? Nate Silver
- First crush? You! Kids! …
- Current crush? Get Offa My Lawn!
- First time you tied your shoe laces? Preschool, no doubt.
Five names you go by:
- Hunter
- Jeff
- jhunterj
- Dad
- That old guy yelling at us to get offa his lawn.
Three things you are wearing right now:
- Long-sleeve polo
- Jeans
- A surly disposition
Three things you want very badly at the moment:
- Replace the old car
- Remodel the bathroom
- Have a kid-free lawn
Two things you did last night:
- Generation Dayton Holiday Celebration
- Uh, yeah, that was the whole night
Three things you are going to do tomorrow:
- Go to work
- Look for checks in the mail
- Read more of Michael Stackpole’s A Secret Atlas aloud to the family
Two longest car rides
- West Palm Beach to Fort Lawn
- Fort Lawn to Niagara Falls
Favorite beverages:
- alcoholic: Bell’s Two Hearted Ale
- non-alcoholic: water