
So I’m trying to get going with AdSense, but I’m circling the drain with this pair of messages.


Image by Silsor under GFDL

If I try to get started with AdSense, it says:

Step 1: Select your Google Account

You are currently signed into the Google Account <my Google account>, which is already in use with AdSense. We only support a single AdSense account per a business or an individual.

But if I try to log in with that Google account, it says:

You’re signed into your Google Account but this is not a valid AdSense login. If you’re an AdSense Publisher, try signing in using your AdSense email and password.

There does not seem to be any way to get Google’s assistance with this problem unless I sign in to my AdSense account, which, of course, I can’t. I tried contacting Google through Twitter and through AdWords support, but no answer. If anyone has any ideas, please help!


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