Sidekicks! author reading event at Epic Loot

I got to hear some short stories read by their authors this past Saturday. A Dayton publisher, Alliteration Ink, and a Centerville retailer, Epic Loot, brought some area authors (and their editor) together for a two-hour event in Centerville to read from Sidekicks!


Buy Sidekicks!

I took several photos at the event, as each author and the editor read a story, and enjoyed the material enough that I bought a copy right there (cover price!) in order to get it signed. I was expecting all of the stories to be about super-powered heroes, but they were not: post-apocalyptic, fantasy, supers, and crime humor were all represented in the stories presented, and I’m sure there are more awaiting me in the reading.

But on to the gallery! (All photos below I release under CC-BY-3.0)

Michael Haynes reads "Learning the Game"

Michael Haynes reads “Learning the Game”

Stephen Lickman reads "Fangirl"

Steve Lickman reads “Fangirl”

K. W. Taylor reads "Doomed"

K. W. Taylor reads “Doomed”

Steven Saus raffles off a copy of Sidekicks!

Steven Saus raffles off a copy of Sidekicks!

Sarah Hans reads Alex Beldsoe's "Hunter and Bagger"

Sarah Hans reads Alex Beldsoe’s “Hunter and Bagger”



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