Aly Tadros and Jus Post Bellum Midwest Tour Kickoff

Aly Tadros at Ghostlight

Aly Tadros at Ghostlight

So Aly Tadros, my close personal friend of several days now, started a tour of the Midwest right at Dayton’s very own Ghostlight Coffee, along with Jus Post Bellum. They played Ghostlight Afterhours on Wednesday night, to an inexplicably spartan audience. The last time Aly was in town, the place was packed, but that was on a weekend instead of a Wednesday, and there seemed to be more social marketing behind it then as well—at least, I found out about that show online then, and the new show only because I’ve been following Aly since that appearance.

But no matter. The new show gave me the chance to get acquainted with Jus Post Bellum’s Geoffrey Wilson and Hannah Jensen. Here they are at Ghostlight performing “Sonny”:

Now, this was also an experiment of mine, trying out the video recording of my Pivothead glasses. I think it worked very well, apart from the user error of forgetting I had just started recording around 50 seconds in. But after bombing my own recording, I remembered myself for the rest of the song. Kind of like how DJs will talk over the instrumental opening of a song anyway…

Later, Aly took the stage, playing through many different guitar-family instruments, which occasionally leads to humorous starts like this one for “Bad Thing”:

They are continuing their tour. If you’re in the Midwest, check out the schedule at and try to take in a show—they’ve got great vocal & lyrical chops.  The sets are also being captured and sold through Dejaset: Aly Tadros and Jus Post Bellum. They also have CDs: Devil Winter (Jus Post Bellum), The Fits (Aly Tadros), and Things Worth Keeping (Aly Tadros).

I’m also transcribing an interview I did with the three of them after the show, so watch this space!


One thought on “Aly Tadros and Jus Post Bellum Midwest Tour Kickoff

  1. Pingback: Interview with Aly Tadros on Her Midwest Spring Tour |

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